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2000 - Jenkins Mick

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Экспедиция английских военных топографов

оз. Уток = лед. Абая = пик Герасимова = восхождения в районе лед. Абая

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Заметка из The Alpine Journal 2001

00/16A Kazakh Apogee 2000 Stuart Batey (with Alan Beeton, Carl Burks, Catherine Clare, Allan Gransden, Andrew Grubb, Mick Jenkins, Frank McCorriston, Carl Morrish, John Owens, Darran Weller and John Wharry). July-August 2000.

In previous years the Royal Engineers Military Survey Department had organised major exploratory mountaineering expeditions to Ecuador, India and Chile; but for their Millennium Expedition they selected the Dzungarian Alatau of Southern Kazakhstan. Despite the collapse of a bridge under their 4×4 bus during the approach, a base camp was established in the Abay Glacier Valley, from which team members climbed 15 peaks between 3330m and 4622m, 7 being first ascents. They also explored an area covering 600 sq km, collecting data to populate a Geographic Information System (GIS) which will eventually be accessible via their website.


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